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LOST BIRDS by Anne Hillerman


by Anne Hillerman

Pub Date: April 23rd, 2024
ISBN: 9780063344785
Publisher: Harper/HarperCollins

Legendary Lt. Joe Leaphorn returns to center stage in this tale of sabotage, disappearance, and murder among the Navajo Nation.

Retired from the Navajo Nation police to work as a private eye, Leaphorn is no longer a lieutenant, but his renown makes him a natural choice for Stella Brown to consult in her search for her biological family. Adopted many years ago by Stan and Rita Brown, Stella was never able to get them to say anything about her birth parents, and now that she’s 55, she thinks that connection is long overdue. Before Leaphorn has made any progress, another case intrudes when Cecil Bowlegs, the custodian at Eagle Roost school, asks him to look into the disappearance three weeks ago of his wife, singer Bethany Benally Bowlegs. Bowlegs’ early morning phone call is interrupted in turn by an explosion at Eagle Roost that destroys the building housing the custodian’s closet—though not, for the moment, Leaphorn’s latest client, who’d stepped outside to make the call. As if to make sure Leaphorn doesn’t get a moment’s rest and to stir another set of troubles into the pot, Kory Bourbonette, the long-estranged son of Leaphorn’s live-in, Louisa, turns up to announce that he’s dying of cancer. The strongest parts of this tasting menu are those concerning the forced cultural assimilation of the “lost birds,” the Indigenous children adopted by non-Native parents. But every strand of the story, which also features supporting roles for tribal officer Bernadette Manuelito and her husband, Lt. Jim Chee, is likely to hold the interest of franchise fans who aren’t too fussy about how all those strands will be tied together.

Continuously absorbing and sometimes piercing.